Are you looking for some self-development books for women that will really help you feel like you have your life on track? Well, then you have come to the right place. There’s nothing like a good old’ I’m fed up with my life crisis to throw us into a tailspin. Bad breakups, the loss of a loved one, or even the overwhelming amount of time you spend thinking about if you’re in the right career.
Sis, this is where self-development books have their place.
In times like these, we have a choice. We can choose to let situations happen to us, or for us. Ultimately we learn how to navigate our way through our difficulties. Self-development books for women can be a great way to guide us through difficult times or life in general.
So today, from a former 20-year-old who had to navigate so many uncharted waters, here are my best-recommended books for those needing a little extra boost of self-confidence. You got this girl.
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Everything Will Be Okay – Dana Perino
My mom actually picked out this book, started reading it, got about 75 pages in, and said I needed to read this first. She was right. Perino lays her life out there and shares everything she ever learned to get her to where she was in her career at such a young age. From clearing your inbox, to clearing your mind, these are actionable steps you can take to boost your self-confidence and career. This is a no-nonsense how-to guide to life for young women looking to reframe their thinking, understand their power, and feel better overall.

Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the planet. – Ashlee Piper
This book is all about making kind choices. Choices that will affect you and future generations. If you struggle with defining your purpose, and feel like you were meant for more, you’re just not sure what, this is a book for you. This book guides you through the transition to a kinder, healthier, more conscious, and sustainable life. probably wondering how this book fits into the self-development books for women’s category, huh? Well, when you do things that make an impact, you feel better. You feel invincible. Getting it together never looked and felt so good!

The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz
A little off-brand from the bubbly covers you’re used to at this point, but a book with many great lessons all the same. If you worry about what others think and say about you, you need to read The Four Agreements. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives into a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. Don Miguel Ruiz provides a roadmap to enlightenment and freedom using the four agreements: Be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best.

Big Money Energy – Ryan Serhant
Big Money Energy is the feeling you get when you encounter someone who is massively succeeding at life. First and foremost, it is okay to talk about money. It is okay to want money. It is okay to dream big. Big Money Energy is like a mentor for anyone with a big dream they want to make a reality. Serhant shows us it’s not enough to just have goals but to chase our dreams with joyous energy. This is an actionable blueprint that YOU can use to create positive change now.
Last, but certainly not least… (also, sorry mom).

UN#@%! Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life – Gary John Bishop
”Wake up to the miracle you are,” Bishop directs. ”Here’s what you’ve forgotten: You’re a miracle of being.” It isn’t other people that are standing in your way, it isn’t even your circumstances that are blocking your ability to thrive, it’s yourself and the negative self-talk you keep telling yourself. This book is really helpful in explaining why you’re your own worst enemy and how to get out of your head. It really does help make you feel better and gives great advice on how to improve your life by controlling your thoughts.
Now, which one of these books are you adding to the cart first?
Being a young adult in a big world can get overwhelming, but finding books that talk about the hard stuff, or at least how to get through it, can be extremely helpful. In college, whenever I took a road trip with friends, I would always have my nose in a book that would help me figure my life out.