Friends are kind of a big deal. After all, “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” so why not make sure they’re good ones! Making friends can be tricky; whether you’ve lived in the area for a while, just moved, or are looking to expand your circle, here is a guide on how to make friends.
In modern society, it can seem so tricky to network and make new friends as an adult. People feel isolated and alone with disposable friendships that don’t seem to last. Regularly spending too much of your time alone can be very detrimental to your mental health.
You don’t need to struggle through this process as I have some foolproof ways to start networking and making friends in no time at all. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on!
Find Your Niche
You need to begin your journey by finding your own unique niche that is personal to you and your preferences. Everyone has their own passions and hobbies that help to shape them as individuals. Uncovering your interests is what you need to get a better idea of what friendships and connections you should be searching for.
Perhaps you might like spending time outdoors and prefer to stray away from technology use. You might be obsessed with all things fashion, caring about nothing more than the latest release from your favorite designer. Alternatively, you could be a sports fan and enjoy all things competition-related. You can easily find similar people who enjoy the same niche activities as you. However, this can only happen when you figure out what you truly enjoy spending your time doing.
When you’re able to find your niche you can start to cement your plans to locate new networking opportunities, as you could consider attending a popular gardening fair, visit a fashion week catwalk show or attend an exciting sports game or match to get chatting with some like-minded individuals!

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Approach With Confidence
Once you’re able to find your niche, it’s time to start approaching people with confidence. You need to find the ideal opportunities to get chatting with self-assurance on your side, such as when you’re standing in a busy line to pay for something in a store, or when you’re sitting next to someone at a game or a show. As long as you can put a smile on your face and introduce yourself with warmth, then approaching people will start to become easier and easier.
Once that conversation gets rolling and I think I like their vibe I typically don’t jump right to a phone number ask. We live in a society where personal information is sensitive so I usually go for a Facebook or Instagram add. This allows us to keep in contact but not have to commit to handing out anything too personal.
Have faith in yourself and what you are saying. Speak clearly and loudly so that you can be certain your new friend is able to properly understand what you are saying, as you don’t want to have to repeat yourself time and time again just to explain one brief sentence.
If all else fails and you still cannot find the confidence to start chatting with different audiences, then fake it to make it, gorgeous. Take the opportunity to put your favorite outfit on along with some beautiful makeup and deliciously scented perfume to give yourself more confidence than ever before. When you feel attractive, you’re far more likely to strike up a conversation with someone new, so always make an effort to boost your confidence if you want to network productively.

Always Keep In Touch
Meeting someone once isn’t enough to warrant a long-standing friendship, as you need to keep in touch if you want to form quality relationships that are based on a strong connection. You need to make an effort to keep in touch with those whom you network with, whether this means sending a quick text, meeting up for coffee, or my personal favorite, sending them a mem relevant to the situation of when you met.
Again, I always go for a social media ask because it can be tricky to manage your contacts when you’re on a networking mission as you’ll likely have so many new numbers to add to your phonebook. However, if phone numbers are more your jam because you’re not a social media person, using communication apps that allow you to make a profile can be easier as this way you have a photo as a reference to jog your memory about who you are chatting with.
Finding the right balance between keeping in touch without being obsessive is the most important step of all, as you need to show your interest in forming a friendship without going overboard. You don’t want to scare your new connections away with obsessive messages or early morning phone calls, so be mindful of how you are treating them when you aim to keep in touch.
Don’t take it personally if your friend isn’t able to reply to your messages as soon as you send them, as people have their own responsibilities and tasks.
Networking is key
Learning how to network and make new friends has never been such a simple task when you can take the time to utilize some of the brilliant tips and ideas that have been carefully described above. There’s no time like the present to expand your friendship group and reach out to new, like-minded individuals with whom you can have exciting, spirited conversations while attending your favorite locations or taking part in fun activities, so what are you waiting for? Get out there and start chatting with new people now so that you can experience the excitement and joy that comes with the formation of new friendships!