Daily Cup of JoJo

3 Simple Recipes For A Healthier January

Eating healthy during January and beyond is daunting for many of us and it can be difficult to get the hang of changes in our diet – but I am here to show you some great recipes to try that will feel like cheats even though they are healthy.

Paying Off My Student Loans: A Journey

Paying off student loans can seem like a daunting task, but working towards those payments is an even better reward. Read my journey on how I paid off my student loans.

Could A Bullet Journal Unlock Your Full Potential?

Bullet journals are a very popular way of keeping things organized and streamlining your life, and a lot of people find that it is so effective in helping them to achieve their goals. Here is how to start yours today!


Get ready for the best inspiration, laugh, and ramble of your life… or, maybe, second best.