My sustainable fashion journey started before I ever really knew it started. A social media influencer I follow was posting photos in all of these outfits and I always wondered how she had so many clothes. I messaged her and found out she actually subscribes to a fashion rental subscription, giving her new/gently used clothes every month to wear and then send back. “How freakin’ genius is this?” I thought, “I can wear the brands I want to wear while not fronting the cost of them all.“
I started renting my clothes the very next month when I read an article on how renting your clothes is better for the planet. That was a cute feel-good moment for me. Life was grand at this moment until reality slapped me in the face about how the fashion industry is actually extremely toxic to this planet we call home.
A shocking discovery
I know you can’t believe everything you read on the internet but…. I was scrolling on the gram in January of 2022 when a dear friend of mine posted a photo. It was this photo below.
This is an image from the Atacama desert, which has become a dumpster for the global fast fashion industry. Over 100,000 tons of clothing, many of them new items with price tags that weren’t sold or used, have been dumped in the Atacama desert in Chile.
I know the media can always put their own spin on things but a picture is worth a thousand words. I couldn’t believe how much waste was just thrown out into the land like that. Immediately I had questions. Who authorized this disposal? Why wasn’t it offered to local charities or small businesses to resell? How do I take action to prevent this from happening?
This picture threw me into a deep dive where I stumbled upon how toxic the fast fashion industry really is and what I, as an individual, could do about it.
From there I started looking into sustainable resources. Little things I could do to minimize my carbon footprint. I picked up Ashlee Piper’s book Give a Sh*T which gave me the basics I needed to get started. Simple lifestyle and consumption tips that made making the switch to low-waste living more manageable.
Taking action
Next, I was invited by a friend to join our local Climate Reality group which focuses on catalyzing a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society. Here is where I learned how far and deeply sustainable practices can go. From climate control to policy, composting, and renewable energy sources. This is what really kick-started my sustainable journey. Surrounding myself by others who had this same drive to do good and live better.
Have you been dabbling in the sustainable fashion resources of the Internet recently? If you are wondering if you should hop on the sustainability bandwagon. The answer is yes, yes, and YES! Although the shift from fast to slow fashion may seem overwhelming at first, it gets easier and feels better once you start!
How you can start your sustainable journey:
Educate yourself on sustainable actions
Sign up for blogs and emails that will deliver information straight to your inbox. Follow social media accounts that share information. I really like @envionrment. Read books and listen to podcasts explaining concepts further. The more you know, the more you can act on.
Opt out of single use plastic
Start with the basics and do your best to stop using all single-use plastics. Opting out of single-use plastic such as buying plastic water bottles, or ordering your Starbucks drink is as easy as using your own reusable drinkware and keeping tote bags in your car for shopping so you don’t have to use single plastic bags. Becoming more conscious of the plastic that is all around us and finding alternatives.
Evaluate your current closet & shop accordingly
Every dollar you spend on clothing that supports people and the planet is a vote for those values. By supporting sustainable businesses, you are shaping the future of the industry.