Daily Cup of JoJo

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October 8, 2019

5 Ways To Eliminate the Negativity on Your Social Media Feed

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Hello, I'm Jordan

Here for the outfit pics. Thrifter. DIY-er. Travel-fanatic. Imperfect environmentalist. City dweller. Lover of colors and naturally based beauty. Las Vegas livin'

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toxic social media | social media clean out | social media break | minimize social media | social media burn out | Instagram burn out | minimize use of cell phone | social media unhappy

Social media is its own full-blown universe. The library for
all news, comedy, hot takes, memes, and, not to mention, an abundance of
anxiety. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of being jaded online.

Social media has a habit of getting my hopes up while in
reality, I am wildly spiral downwards. Online can be a great place to keep up
with friends, make plans or hear about current events, and it can also be your
worst enemy. Especially when you start to see yourself being envious of someone
you have never met or when you compare yourself to others online.

There are a lot of mixed opinions on social media. There are
definitely some strong pros, while I’ve been seeing many announcements where
people are taking an online hiatus. For something we spend multiple hours a day
on (screen time notifications don’t lie), there seem to be a lot of toxic
traits that come out of it.

toxic social media | social media clean out | social media break | minimize social media | social media burn out | Instagram burn out | minimize use of cell phone | social media unhappy

Save your mental health, and try some of these social media
negativity hacks.

Compare Less, Love More

We all have that account that we idolize. Maybe their
pictures are great, their words are gold, and their stories are always perfect.
Maybe it is someone we know or it is a complete stranger, but because we spend
so much time idolizing this person’s account, we now find we are comparing
ourselves to them. We tell ourselves that we will never have as many followers
as them or have photos as edgy as theirs. If you find yourself thinking this,
unfollow them immediately because it only spirals from there.

Shut Up the Haters

Did you know most social media platforms have a mute button?
Probably the greatest feature to hit social media. I’m sure you have those
people in your life that it would be weird to unfollow (maybe it’s a family
member, a coworker, or a friend’s S.O.), but they do not provide anything
inspirational to your feed and are straight up toxic. Shut them up! Tell
Instagram you don’t want to see them. At the same time, really evaluate how
much energy you want from that person in your daily life, not solely on social
media. If they’re not empowering you or supporting you, maybe it is for the
best to commit to the unfollow.

toxic social media | social media clean out | social media break | minimize social media | social media burn out | Instagram burn out | minimize use of cell phone | social media unhappy

Don’t Care About Pop Culture When It Doesn’t Care About You

We all love a good dose of pop culture. What’s happening
next with the Kardashians? Brad and Jennifer really getting back together? It’s
great to get your juicy scoop of gossip, but only if it enlightens your day.
There is toxic energy surrounding some of these celebrities and if any of their
posts or news outlets make you roll your eyes and say, “Oh, this
again?” then take a step back and ask yourself if you really care about

Baby, Tap Twice for YOU

Social media uses a reactive algorithm. Use that to your
advantage. Only like things because you LIKE them, not because they’re on your
feed or you feel obligated based on some made-up rule. Only follow accounts or
hashtags that make you feel great. If you like pink, pretty and puppies, like
them so much that Instagram will only show you pink, pretty and puppies.

If all else fails… Break Up with Social Media

Loving you was the most exquisite form of
That’s deep for social media but if you think about social
media as a relationship, if it’s not building you up, it is tearing you down.
Cut it out of your life. Sure you can take a break, but if nothing changes in
you or on your feed, you’re going to run into the same problems when you start
back up again. It is okay if social media isn’t for you. We all have a type,
and maybe yours isn’t digital.

There is no shame in anyone’s social media game. Whether you log on daily or every once in a while, just make sure your feed is designed for you. If it is not lifting you up get comfortable with the idea that you do not have to be following a certain account or topic.

If you’re feeling the pressures of social media, check out my blog post 500 Words on Perfection and the Pressure of Social Media.
What are some of your mental health social media hacks?

toxic social media | social media clean out | social media break | minimize social media | social media burn out | Instagram burn out | minimize use of cell phone | social media unhappy

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