Daily Cup of JoJo

October 18, 2019

10 Flawless Excuses to Get You Out of Those Plans You Should Have Never Made In The First Place

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Hello, I'm Jordan

Here for the outfit pics. Thrifter. DIY-er. Travel-fanatic. Imperfect environmentalist. City dweller. Lover of colors and naturally based beauty. Las Vegas livin'

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We’ve all been there.
You make plans with someone, that you didn’t want to in
the first place or something else comes up. And when I say something else comes
up I mean all of a sudden you’re four episodes deep into Grey’s Anatomy, and
you do not want to move.


What time did you want to go?


Hey, are we still hanging out tonight?

You were so committed earlier, but then comfort settled in
and took over. (Unless you’re actually a social butterfly and overbooked
yourself for the night, in which case, kudos to you!) Regardless, this is
something we all go through.
excuses to get out of plans | stay home remedy | don't want to go out | how to get out of a date | how to get out of going somewhere | tell someone no |

The time has come. If you don’t speak up now, forever hold
your peace, because you’re going out.
How do you politely explain that you would rather not leave
the comfort of your bed than accompany said friend to some event that you
agreed to? What you need is a solid excuse. Sometimes you can get away with a
simple, “Sorry bro, I won’t be able to make it tonight.” But sometimes you
feel the need to have a little bit more substance to your excuse.

Girl, have I got you covered.

1. You forgot you already made plans with a friend

This is probably a lie on top of a lie, but desperate times
call for desperate measures. Even better, you can spice the story up by saying
you’ve bailed on this “friend” multiple times already and feel
obligated to hang out with them. Apologize, move on.
This is great because if you are a person who keeps a
smaller social circle, it is a once in a blue moon situation, so there is no
way you’re lying. On the flip side, if you do have a lot of friends, there
might be a little bit more hostility towards you, but it’s still believable.

2. Your [insert pet here] just hurt themselves

Be careful with this one. Do not say you need to take them
to the vet because if it’s 10:00 p.m. this excuse is no longer flawless. I
personally do not know of too many vet offices open that late. Everyone can
relate to a pet scenario. Even people without pets. No pet is too big or too
small either. “My lizard almost drowned in the toilet.” “My dog
stepped on a bee.” The options are endless. Very versatile for all
personality types.

3. Blame a family member

“My brother is having car trouble; I have to go pick
him up.” Another good one is picking up your parents from the airport.
Planes can be delayed or early. Use that to your advantage. It’s out of your
hands. Apologize and rain check them. You might have to return to this list if
you offer a raincheck though.

4.  You’ve got a case
of the sickies

Headaches, sore throat, throwing up, or cramps are all valid
excuses. No one wants to move when they’re not feeling well. On the other side,
friends don’t want to be around people that are sick. It is a real damper on
their good time.
BONUS: WebMD some symptoms to make it sound severe, but
don’t freak yourself out.

5. You’re broke

No shame in that game. The struggle is real. You can’t come
out on account of you just realized you have $0.17 in your bank account. This
one might even be too close for comfort to the actual truth… Sad days.

6. You were called into work

It happens! Maybe you don’t have to work tonight, but you
have to go to work early in the morning. You have to make the customers happy
and the boss happy. If you don’t work, you can’t afford to go out anyway. Ahem,
see #5.

7. Feminine issues

Sorry guys, this doesn’t apply to you. This excuse is
FLAWLESS in every way. Guys never understand what girls are going through when
it comes to that time of the month, and all girls can sympathize with one
another on this issue. If you have to put up with it every month, there should
be some good that comes out of it, like canceling on that birthday dinner you
never wanted to go to anyways.

8. House maintenance

Your pipes broke again? That’s just great. The technician
will be there between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. so please standby. Welp, he’s
not here yet. You are so sorry and don’t think you can make it tonight.

9. Bring out your inner substance abuse

You got drunk by yourself, and you’re still pretty tipsy. It
is probably best if you don’t go anywhere right now. You are in no condition to
operate a car. They can’t even be mad at you because it’s drunk you, not the
real you making an excuse.

10. The weather

The last resort excuse, unless you are barricaded in by
snow. You have to play this out very carefully. Mention your allergies because
of the wind lately. That is the best route for this excuse only because
allergies tend to creep up on you. It’s ideal for last-minute cancellations.
I’ll call you when Mother Nature calms down.

What are the top excuses you practice to get out of something? What about if you can’t use an excuse and you just have to go? Well, then check out my post on how to make the most out of a night out!

excuses to get out of plans | stay home remedy | don't want to go out | how to get out of a date | how to get out of going somewhere | tell someone no |

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