Daily Cup of JoJo

July 19, 2017

20 Ways To Show You’re A Packer Fan Without Going To A Game

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Hello, I'm Jordan

Here for the outfit pics. Thrifter. DIY-er. Travel-fanatic. Imperfect environmentalist. City dweller. Lover of colors and naturally based beauty. Las Vegas livin'

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Green Bay fans are the most dedicated devotees when it comes to their team. The start of football season is like Christmas to them. Green Bay blood is passed down through generations. Once a Packer fan, always a Packer fan, even without ever attending a game. Green Bay fans do not need to be sitting front row of the playoffs to demonstrate their dedication. They do so in various other ways.

1. You yell at the TV as if the players can hear you 

because that is what you would be doing if you were at the game anyways

2. You might not be able to go to a game, but you have taken the Lambeau tour on multiple occasions

Yelling Go Pack, Go in an empty stadium is a moving moment.

3. Color coordinating your outfit to match your Green Bay accessories

Your fall colors are gold and green

4. Your unborn first born is already on the list for season tickets

It a good thing they can will those down.

5. You have thought about or actually was married at Lambeau Field.

Love at first down

6. You own a hat made of foam cheese

You also proudly daunt it at any Packer bar in your city

7. You probably bought someone else a hat made of foam cheese

8. You took a picture in those hats and had no problem blasting them all over the internet

9. Your den or garage is decked out in Packer memorabilia

A lot of it was passed down. Pack blood is thicker than water.

10. Along with your kitchenware

11.  Even your toast is a fan

Eat, Sleep and Breathe Green Bay Packers.

12. Your Christmas photo includes your favorite players

13. You know where all the Packer bars are in your town

14. You follow all your favorite players on social media

15. It will be a bye week, and you will still wear your Green Bay jersey

16. Along with your leggings

17. You have a love-hate-love relationship with Brett Farve

We all go off the deep end but eventually find our way back.

18.  Only Packers are allowed to leap

Don’t even try to put LeRoy’s leap to shame.

19. You’ve worn your jersey to church

Your pastor probably did too

20. You can be a part time owner


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14 Responses

  1. Packer fans are a breed apart. They live and die with the Packers. I know we love our Giants around here but we have a lot to learn.

  2. This was a fun post to read. It is so amazing to read of the passion people have for sports teams. To an outsider like me, this is a such a quintessential partof American culture.

  3. I am so not a football fan. But I love love the energy fans have! They are so passionate! We live 2 hours from green bay and the start of the season is always entertaining!

  4. Hahaha this post made me laugh! It's great to see such dedicated fans and thank you for listing the ways to prove that you are THE BEST FAN. My favorite was, "Your unborn first born is already on the list for season tickets". LOL

  5. No matter what team you're in it's really fun to be a fan especially if you have friends who support the same team! I can totally relate to some of the things on this list!

  6. This was funny! Lol. I don't know a thing about football. But this article sure will come in handy for quite a few I am sure!

  7. Wow, you can tell that these are definitely Packers fans. My husband and son love football but they cheer for local teams most of the time.

  8. Haha, those are some true-blue Packers fans! I myself prefer baseball and yes, I yell at the TV when the Toronto Blue Jays mess up, which has been quite a bit lately.

  9. LOL!! Totally agree with these! Except, I am a Patriots fan (please don't hurt me) and we have really similar ways we show we are fans. We can never make it to a game–tickets sell out too fast!!

  10. LOL, that piece of toast is hilarious. I do not know much about American Football but this is great for true fans.

  11. Wow that is so cool. I can't relate because I haven't watch any of their game yet. I totally enjoyed the list!

  12. Oh my goodness, I love all of these fun photos! I am especially drawn to the cheese hat. I say if you are a sports fan and love a certain team, show it off with pride!

  13. Haha I love all of these! I'm not a big football fan but oh wow is my husband!! He's obsessed and I know he would love all of this!

  14. This is hilarious! My mother-in-law's husband is OBSESSED with the Packers (despite living in Massachusetts his entire life!) and his whole mancave is green and gold.


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